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a video of These Are The Hands NHS poetry anthology

Hi there

I have made a short video of the wonderful These Are The Hands: Poems from the Heart of the NHS anthology I was proud to publish on March 20th 2020.

It has been featured on Radio 4’s Today programme, BBC Newsnight, and Good Morning Britain

It is endorsed by Stephen Fry!! as well as the poet laureate, the doctor-writer Adam Kay and many other wonderful people

The title poem is by Michael Rosen

The majority of poems are by NHS staff – plus poems by Roger McGough, Wendy Cope, Lemn Sissay, Sabrina Mahfouz and more

You can buy the book anywhere and also at the Fair Acre Press website – and all profits go to NHS Charities Together – at time of writing we have raised over eleven thousand pounds

Nadia x

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