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Comments about the DIVERSIFLY project

I have just submitted the DIVERSIFLY evaluation report to the Arts Council England.

I had collected screenshots of tweets and facebook posts as well as some comments that came through on email – and so I thought I would share some of them with you.

DIVERSIFLY the book was recently on the longlist for the best anthology in the Saboteur awards, which made me very proud.

Three of the podcasts are on the Carcanet Press website, and their enewsletters

I have loved running this project – collaborating with some of my favourite nature poets and birder, Brett Westwood, commissioning fabulous non-nature poets and hearing how the project has changed some of their perceptions of their urban spaces in the doing, reaching out to more people from very different backgrounds and groups, and making new connections and friends in both the visual art and poetry world.

We are all so grateful to the support of public funding through Arts Council England that made this project possible.

The seven podcasts are a fantastic listen – and at some point in the future I will look for expert help on how to get these heard worldwide as Giancarlo Facchinetti has recorded and produced them so well, and thoughtfully added bespoke pieces of music in the poets’ podcasts to support the poets’ words.

I would like to thank Algimantas Murza – who designed the cover of the DIVERSIFLY book – and who I will continue to commission for further book covers because he is such fun to work with and Brilliant!

I would like to thank EVERYONE who took part in the project! Thank you thank you!! I hope you enjoyed it!!

The book is here

The podcasts here

The description of the whole project here

Nadia x

Feedback through emails, tweets, facebook posts:


I’m so enjoying Diversifly – taking time to read and relish each poem and picture. The editor done good! The first thing I turned to was the Giancarlo Facchinetti / Emma Purshouse combo – love it! It seemed extra poignant because we’d been watching geese on Llandrindod Wells lake that day. G’s goose impression is lovely and perfect. Chris Kinsey email

Firstly let me congratulate you on this beautiful, bright & breezy book! I wanted to take some time to have a read through it after I received it last week, & I’m so chuffed to be a small part of it (Sue Spawn illustrations). I’m very impressed with the diversity of artists & poets – it looks great, I enjoyed reading it & it’s full of love! This is a quality anthology from a quality press – I’m also very impressed with your web page! Sue Thompson aka Sue Spawn email

My cat is loving the #DIVERSIFLY book for all the wrong reasons, but thanks to @fairacrepress for my contributor’s copy, and what a wonderful book it is – 100 pages, beautifully illustrated, with excellent poems on Britain’s urban birds Thomas McColl plus cat photo tweet

This is a beautifully made podcast, in which we discover so much – about your family history, your experience of the natural world, and the way you approach writing poetry.  And I loved hearing you read some of my favourite poems from ‘Skies’. These podcasts would make a wonderful little series on Radio 4. Is there any chance of that happening? They deserve a big audience. xx Tweet about Alison Brackenbury podcast



New podcast from the Arts Council funded Diversifly project from the great Nadia Kingsley‘s Fair Acre Press – with accounts of poetry, insects, fish, food chains, biodiversity, my friendship with Nicholas Hughes, and being an ecologist in the field Facebook post by David Morley


THANK YOU for ‘Diversifly’. It’s beautiful. Excellent production quality and design, as I’ve come to expect from Fairacre Press, and full of delights. I’ve only begun to dip into it, and already found many unexpected pleasures. It’s particularly good to see you and Gian illustrating some of the poems. I love your quizzical blackbird, and Gian’s magpie and red kite — fabulous!Katrina Porteous email

I had to download Sound Cloud, and sign up, and then search for ‘DIVERSIFLY podcast #7: Gillian Clarke’ so it was a bit fiddly but oh so worth it. Make yourself a cup of coffee and curl up by a warm fire then spend a wondrous hour listening to the marvellous Gillian Clarke reading her poetry, but also generously sharing her wisdom and passion for poetry. Facebook post by Anna Dreda


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