Kaite O’Reilly is a whirlwind of energy and creativity
She is currently in Cork with her wonderful play COSY… I know that much…
but as her current publisher I have been finding it very hard to keep up with which country she is in!
What I do know though is her very long-awaited poetry book based on Aeschylus’ Persians – which has already won the Ted Hughes Award for new works in poetry in its verse drama form – is already making a huge splash and I am very excited over its future in the world.
And very proud to know her, and very humbled that Fair Acre Press is publishing such a prestigious book.
Here is the book page on our website where you can already buy advance copies
Amongst other appearances you can see her read from Persians on 1st September at Mid Wales Arts Centre at Fair Acre Press’ Poetry Party, along with Chris Kinsey and a smorgasbord of brilliant poets. Details below. Free Entry.
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