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New pamphlet/ launch event

Hi everyone

I am so delighted to announce the publication of a poetry pamphlet by STEPH MORRIS: Please don’t trample us; we are trying to grow! – click here to buy an advance copy

And his zoom poetry launch on Thursday November 12th 7 to 8pm – with friends! (tba)

Steph Morris achieves a fine engagement between affection and refined outrage Daljit Nagra

His jaunty humour and O’Haraesque casualness can often mask his more serious concerns about the environment and our attitude towards it.
This is a playful and exuberant debut from a poet with a wonderfully original voice. Tamar Yoseloff

A deft and knowledgeable moving to and fro between human lives and the lives of plants and animals  David Constantine

Carefully positioned in the context of a planet in ecological and political crisis, love persistently comes through.  Jacqueline Saphra

About Steph Morris:

Steph Morris is an artist, gardener, writer and translator. He grew up in the midlands, lived in Berlin for many years and is now based in London. His poems have been published in various magazines and in anthologies including Diversifly, also from Fair Acre Press. In 2019 he won the Live Canon ‘Borough Prize’. His translations include novels by Martin Suter, the diaries of Brigitte Reimann, forthcoming from Seagull, several books about Pina Bausch and work for the Pina Bausch Foundation. His poetry translations have appeared in MPT and on, including work by Kurt Drawert and Tina Stroheker. He is currently translating Isa Aichinger’s poetry and dialogues. He graduated from the Poetry School / Newcastle University MA in Writing Poetry in 2017 as part of the inaugural cohort.

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