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PERSIANS by KAITE O’REILLY – Winner of Ted Hughes Award for new works in poetry – now in print!

Fair Acre Press is thrilled to announce the publication of KAITE O’REILLY’s award-winning version of Aeschylus’ Persians.

Persians is the only surviving Ancient Greek play that is based on history rather than myth:

“In her version of Europe’s oldest dramatic poem, a requiem to a nation’s dead in a reckless, fruitless war, Kaite O’Reilly chooses the iambic drumbeat of English blank verse, and a long-lined lyricism that befits an epic lament. The language is modern, the word-music timeless, the rhythms ring with echoes of Elizabethan drama. In this powerful translation, the three voices of the Chorus tell the tragic story in a breathless song of mourning that insists on being heard.”Gillian Clarke

“Persians is a beautifully poetic version of Aeschylus’ tragic play. Kaite O’Reilly’s masterly retelling of this 2,500 year old story focuses on how war destroys people’s identity and her use of language is contemporary but never loses any of the historical context.” The Poetry Society

Its publication date is 29th July 2019 – but you can buy a copy NOW – direct from Fair Acre Press here at £9.99 inclusive of p&p.

To find out more about Kaite O’Reilly go to her website by clicking here

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