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Running workshops at Derwen College

Both Paul Kielty and I (Nadia Kingsley) absolutely loved running Painting by Pixels workshops at Derwen College in Gobowen, Shropshire

It is an extraordinary award-winning Residential College for Special Needs

The students show such community spirit and have wonderful talents and abilities

And the staff are, well, extraordinary.

Paul and I were shedding tears of joy and awe when we watched their Summer fete performance

I could say so much – but as a picture can tell a thousand words…


You can see some of the digital artwork by the twelve Derwen College students alongside workshop digital art by Designs in Mind – and artwork by Giancarlo Facchinetti, Paul Kielty, Isaac and Nadia Kingsley throughout August at Qube Gallery, Oswestry as part of the project Painting by Pixels – supported through public funding by Arts Council England

Arts Council England logo - Supported using public funding  The DASH logo - "cultivating spaces for extraordinary artists"  Derwen College logo - where learning comes to life  White wren on black background with black "Fair Acre Press" on white background to the right of it   Qube gallery, Oswestry logo - white Qube written on red background

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