You may be looking for present ideas around this time of year…
How about MOONBIRD by Mario Petrucci? To show love to your loved one?
Mario Petrucci has written some wonderful love poems – which will be published on Valentine’s Day in 2023 – but are available in a pamphlet now, from Fair Acre Press
This is modern love poetry singing itself to strains of timelessness, its spirited flights of sensibility ever grounded in stillness. Admired for the vitality and innovation of his translations from classical and medieval love poetry (Catullus, Sappho, Hafez), Mario Petrucci here lights up language with the intensities of adoration across its many phases, from the pared crescents of near-wordlessness to consummation’s full-rounded soul-song.
You can read more about the pamphlet and buy it if you click here
How about MATT HAZARD: The Return of the Naive by Paul Kielty? To make any friend or family member snigger or guffaw – especially if they love puns
Some of the best cartoon books take one odd idea and hammer it to death. This is one of them!
Matt Hazard comes from way out on the left field, and bounces off the walls on his way in, and I laughed out loud frequently! Warning – there are Puns. I love Puns.
You can read more about the cartoon book and buy it if you click here
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