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Tag Archives | Birmingham Literature Festival 2016

Danuta Kean interviews Lisa Blower, Mslexia

Danuta Kean interviews Lisa Blower for this season’s Mslexia, in their Debut Interview slot. She writes, within the two page spread: “A bright, witty woman, Blower wears her academic credentials lightly: she has a PhD and lectured in Creative Writing at Bangor University. Sitting Ducks was written out of her frustration at never hearing working-class voices, […]

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Book Now – for Birmingham Literature Festival!

It’s that book-ey time of year –  Birmingham Literature Festival starts October 6th!! Full of such varied (in subject) and consistent (in quality) events – there is sure to be something for everyone… if they haven’t sold out already! They offer Festival Passes, Euro Passes and more, and all the ticket prices are very reasonable. There […]

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