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Tag Archives | grey squirrel

the Poetry on Grey Squirrels ebook cover

Would you like YOUR poem to be included in the Poetry on Grey Squirrels ebook? – which will be available to buy from February 2016; and will be adorned by this wonderfully grey and fluffy-tailed cover by artist Rhys Bevan Jones If so – check back here in January 2016 – to see how to submit your […]

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On meeting John Handley

I know exactly where I first met John Handley… but I had to reach for “the view from out here” pamphlet to find out when… John led a wildflower walk, organised by Shropshire Wildlife Trust, through Bridgnorth cemetery – spring of 2009. It is a wonderful cemetery, dating from 1850, a sandstone area that has […]

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Writing on Grey Squirrels

by John Handley, November 2015 We’ve just been scolded by an indignant squirrel. It’s October and the days are noticeably shorter and my daily amble with Sidbury, a loping Labrador cross Collie, is broken by his confusion as the rabbit he thought he was chasing dashes up the trunk of an oak tree, along a […]

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Podcast on Grey Squirrels

Welcome! Here is a podcast on Grey Squirrels: [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] John Handley tells us some facts about the grey squirrel for the Maligned Species project. Here – to inspire you to observe, read about, and write poems about grey squirrels and other maligned species of the UK. Do you know […]

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Introducing the Maligned Species team: Nadia Kingsley

Poet, Scientist, Artist, Writer, Nadia Kingsley Nadia Kingsley is a poet and short story writer, as well as being editor of Fair Acre Press. She is part of the poet/musician/astrophysicist team behind e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g: the history of the Universe in 45 minutes performance. She is writing a poem a month for a herbal blog and has […]

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Introducing the Maligned Species team: Tom Wentworth

Playwright, Writer, Radio producer Tom Wentworth. Tom Wentworth is a playwright. Recent theatre credits include: Heart of Hearts (Graeae Theatre Company’s Write To Play) and Windy Old Fossils (Pentabus.) He is also an audio producer including, It Takes Two To Lie (Afternoon Drama, BBC Radio 4) and is producing the Maligned Species podcast. As an […]

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Introducing the Maligned Species team: Liz Lefroy

Poet, Liz Lefroy.   Liz Lefroy won the 2011 Roy  Fisher Prize resulting in the publication of her first pamphlet, Pretending the Weather (Long Face Press).  Her sequence, The Gathering, was set to music by Brian Evans and premiered at the St Chad’s Music Festival, Shrewsbury in 2012.  Mending The Ordinary was published by Fair […]

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Introducing the Maligned Species team: Keith Chandler

Poet, Keith Chandler. Keith Chandler moved to Bridgnorth from Norfolk four years ago.  Since being selected for Ten English Poets (Carcanet) in 1977, his poetry has been published in four collections: Kett’s Rebellion (Carcanet, 1982), A Passing Trade (OUP, 1991), A Different Kind of Smoke (Redbeck, 2001) and The English Civil War Part 2 (Peterloo Poets, 2009).  […]

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