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On meeting Matthew Oates

Despite a drizzly overcast day, I am beaming, when Matthew Oates arrives for this podcast recording in Cheltenham, immediately after he has been at an event at Cheltenham Literature Festival 2015, based on his book “In Pursuit of Butterflies”. Matthew has been extraordinarily kind to me over the past 5 years, after he heard that […]

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Writing on Stinging Nettles

Tall Nettles Matthew Oates, autumn 2015 – on Stinging Nettles, with a poem from Edward Thomas Be Nice to Nettles Week came and went, having stung no one into action. A highly successful ruderal dicotyledonous plant forming monospecific stands by rhizome spread… The stinging nettle is, after all, the most abundant broad-leaved plant in the […]

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Podcast on Stinging Nettles

Welcome! Here is a podcast on Stinging Nettles: Matthew Oates tells us in what way Stinging Nettles and Man are similar, as well as many fascinating facts about how their stings actually work, and what benefits from their presence – we hope you enjoy it [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /]   and click here to […]

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