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the podcast team – Giancarlo Facchinetti, sound engineer and editor

Giancarlo Facchinetti has developed skills as a sound engineer – first through creating recordings of his own music, and then honing these skills in the astrophysics project e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g: The History of the Universe in 45 minutes.

Before the Maligned Species project he had not had any previous experience of editing podcasts or the spoken word.

During this project he has had to cope with snoring dogs, stuffed-up noses, plus because we mostly recorded the podcasts at the interviewee’s home – a huge variety of background noise and acoustics.

Thank you Giancarlo!


photo by Mario di Maggio, Dome Club, at a performance of   e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g: The History of the Universe in 45 minutes

Would you like YOUR poem to be included in the Poetry on Spiders, Frogs, Grey Squirrels or Stinging Nettles ebooks? – which will be available to buy from February 2016 for £2.99 each

If so – check here before 29 January 2016 – to see how to submit your poem(s)

The Maligned Species project is a poetry-writing project with podcasts and writing from four ecologists, and nine poets: to encourage poetry-writing with a more scientific slant and is free for all to enjoy, and be involved. And the podcasts will remain as a permanent free resource on the fair acre press website



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