I’d forgotten that Tom Wentworth almost did a degree in drama. But luckily for the Maligned Species project he decided on a radio degree, at the University of Glamorgan, and achieved a first.
He has been script editor in BBC’s Casualty.
He has produced the Radio 4 Afternoon Drama It takes Two to Lie.
He has listened to more radio programmes and podcasts than I’ve had hot breakfasts – and always with an exactingly critical ear.
Thank you Tom !
Would you like YOUR poem to be included in the Poetry on Spiders, Frogs, Grey Squirrels or Stinging Nettles ebooks? – which will be available to buy from February 2016 for £2.99 each
If so – check here before 29 January 2016 – to see how to submit your poem(s)
The Maligned Species project is a poetry-writing project with podcasts and writing from four ecologists, and nine poets: to encourage poetry-writing with a more scientific slant and is free for all to enjoy, and be involved.
And the podcasts will remain as a permanent free resource on the fair acre press website
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