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The Word Bin

What word would you like to bin and why?


Welcome to the podcast: The Word Bin

Available on iTunes, Soundcloud, Spotify, Podbean and all Podcast apps



What People Have Said about The Word Bin

‘Dope idea.’ – Akau Jambo Puondak, South Sudan

‘I love the gentle humour and also the intelligence of it. Also the guitar work is fantastic! It’s just a real salve for the soul.’
Jonathan Edwards, award winning poet, Wales

‘I have wired into ‘The Word Bin’ & I think it’s fab! Great format.’ Susan Evans, England

‘It’s straight from the heart and is a feeling I’ve been looking to articulate for a while but could never find the right words. I’m so pleased that The Word Bin has given me the motivation and opportunity to say it like this.’ R.M. on taking part, Scotland

‘It’s a super interesting idea with creative results that not only tell us about people, but leave us thinking.’  A. Rafael de Silva, Portugal

‘It’s clever, thought provoking and fun.’ Michael Corrigan, Greece


Hi there. I’m Nadia.

I run a small publishing house: Fair Acre Press.

I recently published These Are The Hands NHS poetry anthology – by NHS staff, about the NHS, and FOR the NHS (all profits go to the NHS Covid-19 Emergency Fund). I have run 5 Arts Council England-funded projects which have included recording podcasts involving poets and naturalists, and have published some amazing books – for children, nature-lovers, poetry, a working class novel – if I adore something and want to champion it I do, as it is only me at Fair Acre Press!


For a few years now I have wanted to set up a podcast called THE WORD BIN. The idea is simple – what word would you bin (get rid of) and why?

The first series of the Word Bin podcasts began on June 15th 2020 – 15 episodes, all about five minuteish released at 8am GMT every weekday – but you can listen any time :).

By the start of September 202, less than 3 months later – 4 seasons (SIXTY episodes!) have aired!!

and they continue on!!!

Here is the trailer

Here is the podcast on Podbean but it is also available on iTunes,  Spotify, Soundcloud, Patreon and your favourite podcast channel

I have been on Northampton radio, interviewed for the Sunday Tribune and recorded for Spoken Label podcast by Andy N looking for people to take part, discussing why I have set up the podcast and more.


I am airing a episode every weekday as an ongoing podcast. Each podcast has 3 pieces of audio from YOU and others, with music inbetween. No commentary. Nothing else. The podcasts may be short in length but stick in a person’s brain for the day – either making them chuckle or think more deeply about a word, or wonder why anyone in their right mind would want to bin THAT word! a whole mixture! Be aware – season 9 will be a once -weekly podcast every Monday morning.


I need a lot of people to take part :). so please help me out and also please share this with anyone and everyone!

I am looking for people of all ages, all backgrounds, all jobs or no job, from every part of the UK and the english-speaking world… is that YOU?!


If you have a word please can you record on your phone (download free app called Smart Recorder if android phone; use Voice Memo if iPhone. If you are on facebook messenger – make sure you are a friend of Nadia Kingsley and you can record it there)

Say your name, where you live, and your job or hobby.  Then say “the word I would like to bin is…because….”

Take 30 seconds to 3 minutes to do this

Send it to me at thewordbin@gmail. com

This is an unfunded project. And the podcast will always be free to listen to, or take part in – but I have set up aPATREON page, which is a way you can financially support the podcast, and encourage me to invest the time in other podcasts! 

The details of how it will be used/ what you are agreeing to are below –

Thanks in advance. I hope together we can continue to create a really interesting fun thought-provoking entertaining lively fascinating podcast!! And I hope listening to it adds to your day!

Nadia x

Please send your recording to thewordbin@gmail. com (without the gap)



You can live anywhere in the world but the word and the audio needs to be in English

Please state your first name, whereabouts you live, something about you – your job, your hobby – all just in a sentence.
Then say….  the word I would like to bin is..  and say the word and then explain why you want to bin it.
… the first that pops in your head is often the best.
It can be a very personal word to you, a silly or a serious one, it can be political or inconsequential, a niche word, a swear word, whatever.

I will listen to every one before I upload it as it must not be offensive and I reserve the right not to use a recording for whatever reason I choose and will not explain my reasons (mainly because of time limitations). At this point I imagine the main reason will be the quality of the recording, but also if the word has been coming up too many times, plus if offensive or breaks copyright rules. There will be a lag between submitting and airing. I hope you find the concept appealing and the technology involved not too daunting…



If you have an android phone download the free app Smart Recorder.

If you have an iPhone use Voice Memo

If you are a facebook friend of Nadia Kingsley and have a smartphone you can record it on fb messenger (start a message, press the arrow to the left, press the microphone and hold it down as you speak)


WHAT SHOULD I READ BEFORE SENDING THE RECORDING? – by sending the recording you will have agreed to the following. This will also be sent to you in an autoreply when you send the email (check your spam if you don’t see it) This confirms it has arrived with me, as well as reminding you about the permissions you have agreed to.

If you are under 16 – I would be delighted to hear your word but please get a parent or guardian to record their name, your name, and saying they are happy to give their permission for your audio to be aired on the podcast and they agree to the terms and conditions of the word bin project


In sending in your recording you are agreeing to Nadia Kingsley of Fair Acre Press including this recording of your voice within a podcast in the future. This audio show which will be freely available on iTunes and other places on the internet, and will remain available for people to hear long term.

Other possible uses of the recording in the future include:

using part or whole recordings on social media and on websites
transcribing what you say so it makes the podcast experience fully accessible; plus possibly within books, leaflets or other promotional material

Please introduce yourself at the start of the recording and this information is what will be used, and only this – in describing you within the podcast, in print etc



please email it to me, Nadia, at –


(without the gap)

if the email says it is too large to send please “we transfer” it to the same email address – it is free.


I look forward to hearing the word you would like to bin!