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Tom Wentworth’s Burke & Hare is out!!

Its publication date is on January 21st – but advance copies are now available if you click here

There’s an awful lot of bodies in Edinburgh, they’re just not dead yet

Pitch-black and wickedly funny… Tom Wentworth’s writing pitches the title characters’ nefarious deeds as a thrilling yarn rather than a cautionary tale.  The Stage

A gleeful mash-up of history and prurient penny-dreadful scandal, fast, funny and ever so slightly sick. The Sunday Times

An absolute blast…rapid, adept and funny. Libby Purves

I wonder if this could be performed on zoom?! It certainly would be perfect for a small cast of 3 and a socially distanced audience that doesn’t want to get spattered with blood!!

You will already have seen Tom’s name on TV this year. He is such a hardworking lively interested and talented man!

This joins Windy Old Fossils and Kaite O’Reilly’s Ted Hughes New Work in Poetry Award-winning PERSIANS in the Fair Acre Press’ growing publications from the theatre 🙂

Nadia x


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