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Vote for #MeToo? in saboteur awards

I don’t know if you heard that Fair Acre Press’ art and poetry book on Urban Birds was longlisted in the Saboteur awards?

Well #MeToo poetry anthology made the SHORTLIST!! along with some wonderful books


The reasons why I am so proud are numerous but here are a few..


it which has brought together so many women in high quality poetry in solidarity and in strength

we already have so many reports from individuals about how much reading the book, or attending one of our events has helped them

all profits go to Womens Aid to help them help women in need right now (neither editor, publisher, poets, cover designer etc have been paid)

there is another website wildwomenpress where people can send in their poems

there are “spin offs” inspired by the book – like the amazing song and animation, that was pick of the week on radio 6

the book was featured on BBC Radio 4 Front Row. We are holding events all round the country including London Book Fair, StanZa, Birmingham Lit Fest, Stratford Lit Fest, Ledbury Poetry Fest, in people’s front rooms, all over the place and will continue to do so

It was number one on a social good USA website. Has one of America’s top poets featured in the book; has Amanda Palmer and her team behind the book, endorsing it and spreading the word


It is a brave blue book edited most wonderfully and exactingly by poet Deborah Alma whose life has been lived – building up to this book…

If you would like to see #MeToo poetry anthology win the anthology award in the Saboteurs and would like to VOTE then please click on here and you will be taken to where you can vote.

Deadline is May 9th

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