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Liz Lefroy at Glyndwr University’s Carnival of Words 21.4.15

What a great idea – a Carnival of Words in Wrexham/ Wrecsam.

The University has such a lovely feel to it – and as I started learning Welsh at the start of this year I was mouthing the bilingual signs as I went along to Liz Lefroy’s reading.

A lovely audience – a mixture of “townies”, students, staff and ‘civilians’ as one guy described himself.

And Liz was wonderful.

You’d have thought by now, having published her poetry pamphlet Mending the Ordinary – I would have had my fill of her poems – having read and re read them for months before her pamphlet was out, and having heard her as often as I can, since.

But no – she tells such interesting stories – so I always hear something new within her poems from Mending the Ordinary.

The poems that she has written in collaboration with Alex Ramsay, the photographer, I have heard before too – but they were all like welcome regular visitors, like the House Martens that are mending their nest on our house

Come again – I say to them – Come again !

I’d like to say a personal thank you/ diolch yn fawr  to Paul and Dylan for making the event possible; to Paul for recording us for the radio; for the conversations – and always, to Liz.

Liz Lefroy, Glyndwr University 21.04.15 Carnival of Words

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