Please join me on Zoom for the official launch of Moonbird : love poems.
ZOOM Mar 27, 2023 7:00 pm London – with Oxford Stanza
“Inspired by Pablo Neruda and E. E. Cummings as much as by Rumi, Moonbird : love poems provides a courtship display of rare distinction, combining a compelling uniqueness of voice with insistent imagery and profound sonic beauty. This is modern love poetry singing itself to strains of timelessness, ever grounded in stillness. Petrucci here lights up language with the intensities of adoration across its many phases, from the pared crescents of near-wordlessness to consummation’s full-rounded soul-song.”Watch a short video from the pamphlet here: Moon%20Bird%20Sea%20[Moonbird] %20MP4.mp4
Order via Fair Acre Press poems-by-mario-petrucci/
I find the petals in me
you are opening that blossoms me
or sun’s molten metal
you are emptiness gently to carry me
when I fill my moon
you are that silveriness to spill me
no longer alone
you are love that marries me
So – whenever you wish
whatever you wish
let me be ocean’s rim
that comes to you
seas that miss yet
never fish you
these waters
you swim that
to moment
kiss you
Mario Petrucci has published numerous poetry books and pamphlets, including translations of Catullus, Sappho and an acclaimed Bloodaxe edition of Hafez’s ghazals. His version of Eugenio Montale’s Xenia won a PEN Translates award and was shortlisted for the John Florio Prize. His groundbreaking version of the sacred Hindu text, Isha Upanishad, sold out soon after publication. Flowers of Sulphur was published in 2007, i tulips in 2010, and his shattering afterlove in 2020.
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