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Project Podcasts

Here are seven podcasts: made as part of the Diversifly project

    • 1 with Brett Westwood as he takes us on an urban bird walk in central Stourbridge, West Midlands, UK – at the start of November 2017
    • 6 from some of the UK’s best nature poets – Alison Brackenbury, Gillian Clarke, Chris Kinsey, David Morley, Richard Osmond, and Katrina Porteous. Gillian Clarke’s will be released on 2nd March…

Brett Westwood               

Alison Brackenbury       

Gillian Clarke                   

Chris Kinsey                     

David Morley                   

Richard Osmond           

Katrina Porteous          


Here are thirteen podcasts: made as part the Maligned Species project

– four from ecologists/ naturalists – Brett Westwood, Matthew Oates, John Handley, Nigel Brown

– nine from poets – Jonathan Edwards, Liz Lefroy, Keith Chandler, John Siddique, Emma Purshouse, David Calcutt, Tom Wentworth, Nadia Kingsley and Andrew Fusek Peters – we hope you enjoy them.


Brett Westwood tells us why we find spiders in the bath, as well as many fascinating facts about these eight-legged creatures.

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Matthew Oates tells us in what way Stinging Nettles and Man are similar, as well as many fascinating facts about how their stings actually work, and what benefits from their presence.

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John Handley tells us some facts about the grey squirrel: how they manage to run both up and down trees, about their homes, how long they have been in the UK, and the ‘greys versus reds’ story.

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Nigel Brown tells us what frogs eat, what eats them, their ability to thrive in both air and water, and much more.

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Jonathan Edwards reads and discusses some of his poems, and how he writes about –  a seal, a hippopotamus, his grandfather, Houdini, the Covent Garden Theatre in 1775, his father.

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Liz Lefroy reads and discusses some of her poems, and how she writes about -Michelangelo’s David, her son’s school concert,  a busker in London,parts of an elephant skeleton

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Keith Chandler reads and dicusses some of his poems, and how he writes about – a fisherman, glassworkers, a tragic news item, a grayling butterfly, a goldsmith’s apprentice, a chemo nurse

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John Siddique reads and discusses some of his poems, and how he writes about – Derek Jarman’s garden, the four seasons in Haiku, or a moment on a bench by the river Thames?

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Emma Purshouse reads and discusses some of her poems, and how she writes about – a butterfly called the Essex Skipper, the fact that astrophysicists can only account for about 4% of the Universe, the eradication of smallpox

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David Calcutt reads and discusses some of his poems, and how he writes about –  the nature of a trout as sensed by a fisherman, a magpie if you saw it killing a chick,  two dead badgers at the side of a road.

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Tom Wentworth reads and discusses some of his poems, his scripts and how he writes about – a butterfly called the Gatekeeper, the White letter hairstreak, the moon.

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Nadia Kingsley reads and discusses some of her poems, and how she writes about – the Common Mouse Ear plant, the Andromeda Galaxy, wildlife within a project about Olympic athletes.

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Andrew Fusek Peters reads and discusses some of his poems, and how he writes about – a blackbird, a hare, a poem about knitting that at its heart is about the environment, and reveals how for him his poetry-writing comes from the same inner place as his landscape and wildlife photography.

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