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Alison Brackenbury Radio 4 17th June 4:30pm

I know that many of you, like me, love Alison Brackenbury’s poetry – and like me are probably on the edge of your seat awaiting Carcanet’s Selected Poems by Alison which will be coming out in 2019.

Meanwhile we can all enjoy her perfectly paced radio voice and the wonderful heart and meticulous care that she applies to anything she touches – on Radio 4 this Sunday 17th June at 4:30pm (and also repeated Saturday 23rd June at 11:30pm)

It is actually The Radio Times “Choice” programme as you can see with these photos which I asked Alison to send me so I can share them with you all.

The radio programme is based on her Happenstance poetry pamphlet called Aunt Margaret’s Puddings

Here is a lovely blog by Happenstance’s publisher about the project



Here is where you can buy Aunt Margaret’s Pudding

Nadia x

as you can tell this is a personal blog abut a poet I and so many of you admire. I was lucky enough to record Alison Brackenbury for a podcast which was part of Fair Acre Press’ DIVERSIFLY project – you can hear the podcast here.

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