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DIVERSIFLY book out now!!

DIVERSIFLY – Poetry and Art on Britain’s Urban Birds is an anthology made possible by public funding through the support of Arts Council England

For more details about the book go here

Sorry about the price! The publication date had to be postponed a week … as I suddenly realised my maths was wrong and I was going to lose £3 per book sold!! A fascinating journey actually – as it was through a phonecall with Gardner’s the wholesalers that I realised my blunder. He was ringing to see if he could squeeze another 5% discount from me – turns out every day he lives with the knowledge that if he hits the wrong button on the calculator, or isnt quite with it- that he loses the company thousands of pounds. Made me feel part of the big publishing family!

Thankfully the printing is of such a high quality – I think anyone that holds it will want a copy WHATEVER!

THANK YOU to everyone who took part in the Diversifly/Urban Birds project and especially to everyone who has work in this book. I am very proud of you all. I hope you will be proud of the book 🙂

I usually tell a new book to fly into the world – I don’t need to, this time !!!

Nadia xx

7 Responses to DIVERSIFLY book out now!!

  1. Fran February 8, 2018 at 10:01 pm #

    Received my copy today. It is an excellant publication, the print quality is very fine. I am proud to be part of it. Well done Nadia

    • Nadia February 9, 2018 at 3:55 am #

      So very happy to hear this Fran! I am so very happy with the print quality too. Thank you so much for your wonderful images! Nadia xx

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