‘Stirring the Dust, A Spring Afternoon of Words and Music’, Saturday May 6th, 1.00pm to 5.00pm at the Priory Hall, Much Wenlock
For all the people suffering withdrawal symptoms from having no Wenlock Poetry Festival this year – and anyone else who is interested !! – Members of Bridgnorth Writer’s Group have kindly put together a smorgasbord of words and music – for our entertainment – on Saturday May 6th.
Fair Acre Press is invited to hold an event within the afternoon – and we are delighted to revive David Calcutt and Nadia Kingsley’s Road Kill and Through the Woods “double act” , and to share Keith Chandler’s wonderful poetry with you.
We WILL bring books and pamphlets, and will be offering a special discount on the books we have on our bookshelves currently…
We will be able to tell you more about our next Arts Council England-funded project: DIVERSIFLY
And spill the beans about the books that are in the pipeline!
I am so looking to seeing and hearing some old friends – and hope to see you there, Nadia x Huge thanks to the organisers of the event! Oh and it only costs £5 on the door – books and refreshments will be on sale
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