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New socially conscious online bookshop launches!

Hi everyone

NOVEMBER 2nd 2020 heralds a new socially conscious world in UK online book buying!

BOOKSHOP.ORG is truly socially conscious and works alongside independent bookshops and publishers


For every book you buy on this website – a large percentage is donated to the bookshop, publisher, and to a pot that gets shared out to all local independent bookshops in the UK

They launched in USA 9 months ago and have donated 7 million dollars to USA local bookshops already!

They were due to launch in the spring but have rushed the launch through early as they realise that, through no fault of their own, our independent bookshops and publishers are going to the wall – this is a battle cry against amazon and a cuddle for the rest of us

They have set it up so every publisher and bookshop involved has lists of books.

On the Fair Acre Press site you will see I am currently promoting three of our publications. I receive 10% of the RRP on selling that and I think 30% goes to the local bookshop pot. I have created lists of related books that I think you might enjoy – and again I receive 10% of those sales with money to the actual publisher of the book and to the local bookshop pot. So if you decide to buy a book from one of my lists I am paid despite not having published it!

I plan to change my lists every couple of weeks and hope you will let me know any books you think I should recommend that people may enjoy alongside one of the Fair Acre Press publications

This is fun! I’m excited as you can probably tell. Nadia x (make sure british flag is in right hand corner!)

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