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Tag Archives | frogs

Poems for Maligned Species ebooks welcomed !!

Happy New Year from the Maligned Species project! We do hope you have been enjoying the podcasts and the writing from our four ecologists and nine poets. Maligned Species is an Arts Council England funded project – hoping to encourage YOU to write poetry with a more scientific slant than you are, perhaps, used to… […]

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Podcast on Jonathan Edwards

Welcome ! Here is a podcast with poet Jonathan Edwards. How would you write about – a seal, a hippopotamus, your grandfather? Jonathan also treats us to poems about Houdini, the Covent Garden Theatre in 1775, his father and reveals how he approaches a subject. In conversation with Nadia Kingsley, Jonathan Edwards reads and discusses some of […]

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the Poetry on Frogs ebook cover

Would you like YOUR poem to be included in the Poetry on Frogs ebook? – which will be available to buy from February 2016; and will be adorned by this wonderfully delightful cover by artist Paul Kielty If so – check back here in January 2016 – to see how to submit your poem(s) The Maligned Species […]

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artist Paul Kielty – on Frogs cover art

Paul Kielty and Fair Acre Press’ editor, Nadia Kingsley, have been friends and colleagues for over 15 years. Paul was educated in Ireland He studied Animation at the University of Wolverhampton – and that’s where they first met. “It’s a close friendship – through ‘tick and tin’ –  he has been there. I have seen him on […]

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Podcast on Poet Tom Wentworth

    Welcome ! Here is a podcast with poet and playwright Tom Wentworth How would you write about – a butterfly called the Gatekeeper, the White letter hairstreak, or even the moon? In conversation with Nadia Kingsley, Tom Wentworth reads and discusses some of his poems, his scripts and how he writes.       […]

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Podcast on Poet Emma Purshouse

Welcome ! Here is a podcast with poet Emma Purshouse   How would you write about – a butterfly called the Essex Skipper, the fact that astrophysicists can only account for about 4% of the Universe, or the eradication of smallpox? In conversation with Nadia Kingsley, Emma Purshouse reads and discusses some of her poems, and […]

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On meeting Nigel Brown

I first met Nigel Brown on a Nature Writing residential week at Ty Newydd. He and poet Katrina Porteous were our tutors – and it was the most extraordinary week of my life. Nigel is the most wonderful walking-encyclopedia and gentle enthusiastic communicator. He can seemingly answer any question you throw at him, when you […]

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Writing on Frogs

Fantastic Frogs It’s late February and all over the Marches anurans awake from weeks of torpor. Better known as frogs their body clocks have marked the days past the winter solstice. Slotted into the earth their bodies are at one with nature, their cold moist skin sensitive to every perturbation of temperature and humidity, logging […]

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Podcast on Frogs

Welcome! Here is a podcast on the Common Frog, with Nigel Brown :   Nigel Brown tells us what frogs eat, what eats them, their ability to thrive in both air and water, and much more – we hope you enjoy it [soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”450″ iframe=”true” /] and click here to find more podcasts, writing, […]

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