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“This is the kind of love poetry that will endure”

I am a little bit flabbergasted by the following excerpts from a review of Woods River Road by John Sewell

Not because I don’t agree with it.. far from it.. I am just so happy to read a review that really gets a poet – and explains the book to a soon-to-be-reader if you have any sense!!

This excerpt is part of a review written by Kevin Bailey in HQ Poetry Magazine (No55&56):

This is a book of unashamedly sensual poetry.
Never crude, always aware of the ambiguities generated by love and passion, there is throughout the poetry a Lawrencian tenderness and much personal insight.
The natural world is so well observed and recorded that it becomes entwined in a menage a trois with the poet and his lovers…
Edward Thomas meets Verlaine…
This is the kind of love poetry that will endure.

You can read more about Woods River Road if you click here

I am just going to lie down for a rest!!

Nadia x


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