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Tom Wentworth’s Real Deal reviewed

Liz Carr as Meg in The Real Deal. Photo Anna Lenihan

Liz Carr as Meg in The Real Deal by Tom Wentworth. Photo by Anna Lenihan

I don’t know if you saw the Crip Tales series on BBC? or BBC America?

I thoroughly recommend them!

They are a series of 6 monologues written by writers with disabilities, performed by actors with disabilities about people with disabilities.

And obviously you can still find them on BBC iplayer

I think they are ground breaking, entertaining, thought-provoking, mind-changing and at times laugh-out-loud funny

My favourite is Tom Wentworth’s Real Deal



As I have already published his play Windy Old Fossils and am publishing his Burke and Hare play soon – I acknowledge I may not be totally impartial!

But here is a wonderful review by someone who doesn’t know Tom at all – that agrees with me. But it is not a competition – every monologue is worth watching – and you may well be tempted to do just that after reading this review from Disability Arts Online

I think this is a breakthrough not only in how the disabled are allowed to be portrayed on mainstream TV, but I am hoping there will be a trickle-down or maybe I should say trickle-sideways effect to all so-called minority groups and how everyone is portrayed, written about, allowed to write about etc. But I guess ratings are king – so thats another good reason for watching them – to be sure programmes that don’t fit the mainstream mould are commissioned more

Well done Mat Fraser for getting the idea off the ground!

Nadia x


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