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Award-winning Children’s Poetry Book event !


Rubery Award

“Emma’s poems are full of life and laughs, bubbling with music and wisdom and silliness and jokes and cute animals. She’s a great performer of her work and the book is crammed with tips to help the reader become a performer too.”
A.F.Harrold – Bloomsbury Children’s Poet and has had his work on BBC Radio 4, Radio 3 and BBC7
“A delightful collection for children and grown ups to enjoy together.”
Celia Warren Children’s Poet published by Heinemann, plus KS2 Comprehension, and Teacher’s Guide author

Come and join in the fun at Birmingham Waterstones 2pm on Saturday 24th September!! 

A free one hour long event in which Emma Purshouse will be performing poems from her smash-hit book  I once knew a Poem who wore a Hat

Emma – as many of you know is a wonderful poet and performer of both children’s and adult poetry. She has run numerous and varied workshops in schools and elsewhere all around the West Midlands.

If you have never seen her – you and your children (recommended age 6 to 11 years) will be laughing, gasping and joining in!

If you have seen her – well, you know what I mean…

Cath – is a hidden gem of an illustrator who has created numerous wonderful characters in this her first book. She will be drawing during the event…

Emma Purshopuse reads to Figment from their book %22I Once Knew a Poem who Wore a Hat%22

I once Knew a Poem who Wore a Hat has won this year’s Rubery Award for Poetry! Beating adult and children’s poetry collections from around the world.

It is a rather special book – it will help any primary school child, and teacher with learning and reciting poetry (now a compulsory part of the school curriculum)- and the joy within its pages means it will make a wonderful (dare I say it?) Christmas Present!!

And I’ll be there too… I can’t wait! Nadia x

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2 Responses to Award-winning Children’s Poetry Book event !

  1. Margot Finke September 15, 2016 at 11:30 pm #

    Nadia, thanks for the link. I have 8 rhyming picture books published–some are on Amazon UK. Unfortunately, I live in Oregon USA, so no chance of being able to be there and enjoy Emma’s performance. I am sure it will be a huge success.

    • Nadia September 16, 2016 at 2:29 pm #

      Hi Margot – Yes -That’s a little far to travel…! I will search out your books on Amazon 🙂 And thanks for your good wishes. I too am sure it will be a great success – Emma is wonderful to watch and her poems are fab! x

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