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Event cancelled this Saturday at Waterstones Birmingham – please share

Rubery AwardOh – what a pity! Emma has lost her voice completely – and is in bed with the flu.

So Waterstones Birmingham and I have decided to  cancel  this Saturday’s event that was to be held in the WONDERFUL children’s book floor.

Because what is a performing poet without her voice?! Especially an award-winning poet!

The Good News is – this event WILL be rescheduled and I will let you know the date as soon as Emma can lift her head off her pillow to look in her diary…


Poor thing. I think she needs a poem prescription.

This seems appropriate – one of her own, from I Once Knew a Poem who Wore a Hat. Nadia x

It might be catching

I’m shivering. I’m shaking.
My body’s all aching.

I’m hot then I’m cold.
I feel a million years old.

Arrrrr! Look at my tongue.
My legs are on wrong.

The fronts are the backs.
I’ve the knees of a yak.

I think it’s the flu.
I might give it to you… A A A Choooooooooooooooooo!!!


PS you may still want to go to Waterstones Birmingham anyway – they have an unbelievably amazing floor completely dedicated to children’s books!!

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