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Marathon Man will start race, holding our children’s poetry book?!

What lovely news …

Have just heard from Jill Munro – whose son is running the Ugandan Marathon on 5th June. She says:

“Louis has won the prize for raising the most money for the Ugandan marathon over the last 7 days (he held a five a side football tournament for 15 teams) and his prize? – To start the whole race!!!!! So he should be able to get some good photos for you and the books!”

I once knew a poem COVER for website 1Fair Acre Press has donated thirty copies to Louis to take to Uganda and give to the charities he is running for, or to children that he meets

See here for more details

 and here if you would like to buy the book – which is available now all over the place including Wenlock Books, Booka Bookshop, and Waterstones Birmingham





Go here if you would like to sponsor Louis Munro, the Marathon Man. 

Quilted cover for website 1

Fair Acre Press got involved when Jill Munro, one of our poetry pamphlet competition winners

happened to write and say her son was in a marathon, and I said I would Facebook and tweet about it

– hoping to improve his sponsorship

Go here if you would like to buy her pamphlet

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