Reviews and Endorsements for The Quilted Multiverse:
“Without exception, the poems in The Quilted Multiverse are intelligent, subtle, and brilliantly crafted.
This is one of the most thoughtful and accomplished pamphlets that I have read in recent years, and Munro’s vivid surreal images, her original turns of phrase and disconcerting insights will stay with me and with other readers for a very long time.”
Susan Castillo Street from her review on The High Window
“This is a poetry pamphlet of such striking visual images, and also of good ideas:
the wife of a man obsessed with Lego, a meditation on
Virginia Woolf’s penchant for purple ink, a trampolining grandma…
…The poem The Quilted Multiverse of Gardens is an excellent addition to the genre of train poems. Where Edward Thomas heard all the birds of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire from a stopped train and Larkin saw just-married couples, Jill Munro looks out through a stationary train window and sees that ‘brilliant blue trampoline,’ the ‘floral-aproned grandma… bouncing high.’
The brilliance of its opening four poems, in particular, sang to me that this is a poetry collection the world has to see.”
Jonathan Edwards
“Jill Munro’s poetry transforms the familiar and everyday.
Some of these poems are laugh-out-loud funny.
These characters will stay with you long after you finish reading.”
Kim Moore
“The colourful collection wends its way through various scenarios, characters and fabrics.”
Charlotte Gann from her review on Sphinx
Here is the title poem of the pamphlet:
The Quilted Multiverse of Gardens
When the train stalls to a slow graunch
along the track, the patchwork quilt
of urban Edens comes into view,
sewn and framed in creosote, barbed
wire, laurel bush or red stock bricks.
I spot the garden trimmed orange
in Sainsbury’s bags stuffed
with papier-mâché magazines.
Next door the whirly-gig whizzes
on airy rounds, fixing smells of last night’s
still smoking bonfire into hardening towels.
And there’s the holey tennis net
looping low, once taut and high,
abandoned rackets on the lawn –
the kids gone in for tea or good.
And then it comes – a glimpse of backyard
heaven – a huge brilliant blue trampoline
stretching to square boundaries, where
a floral-aproned grandma is bouncing high,
higher, dreaming of another universe.
About Jill Munro
In 2015, Jill had two poems long-listed for the National Poetry competition, was shortlisted for Canterbury Poet of the Year, highly commended in the Sussex Poets’ Competition & the Princemere Poetry Prize and had her first collection, Man from La Paz, published by Green Bottle Press, London.
In 2016, she has been short-listed for the Charles Causley International Poetry Prize and is the winner of the inaugural Fair Acre Press Pamphlet Competition.
She agrees with the late Charles Causley,that without writing poetry she would ‘explode’.
Her poetry collection Man from La Paz is available from
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