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Podcast on Andrew Fusek Peters

andrew fusek peters portrait 72dpi stairs (1 of 1)


Welcome ! Here is a podcast with poet Andrew Fusek Peters.

How would you write about – a blackbird, a hare or write a poem about knitting that at its heart is about the environment?

Andrew tells us how he approaches a subject, reads poems about a heron and a salmon, and reveals how for him his poetry-writing comes from the same inner place as his landscape and wildlife photography.


In conversation with Nadia Kingsley, Andrew Fusek Peters reads and discusses some of his poems, and how he writes.

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click here to find more podcasts and writing from ecologists Brett Westwood, Matthew Oates, John Handley and Nigel Brown, and podcasts from eight other poets.

The Maligned Species project is a free online resource and opportunity – involving both ecologists and poets : encouraging poetry-writing by YOU on the subject of spiders, frogs, stinging nettles, and grey squirrels – culminating in four poetry ebooks.

Submissions (free) for poetry with a scientific slant, on these four species will be open in January 2016 at

follow on twitter: #MalignedSpecies
facebook: Fair Acre Press

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