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Shortlisted in the Rubery Book Awards!

I ONCE KNEW A POEM WHO WORE A HAT has been shortlisted in the Rubery Book Awards!

This is what the judges say about:

I Once Knew a Poem who Wore a Hat by Emma Purshouse and Catherine Pascall Moore

Lots of wonderful imaginative and outrageous poems in this collection which is full of the charms and idiosyncrasies of childhood. It’s easy to see how children could love these breezy poems and become attached to them. One could easily imagine them being learnt by heart and repeated in playgrounds. The illustrations by Catherine Pascall Moore are quirky and appropriate. The hints about, for example, the best way to learn a poem or how to speak a poem aloud, are unusual in a book of this sort and never patronising.

Fair Acre Press is particularly delighted, as there are very few book awards out there that allow us to submit a children’s poetry book, plus the Rubery has a really good, and international reputation.

Read about the Rubery Book Awards – and all the shortlisted books here

Emma Purshopuse reads to Figment from their book %22I Once Knew a Poem who Wore a Hat%22


ALSO, some recent and future events:

Emma was on stage with Carol Ann Duffy and others recently at Manchester Children’s Book Festival.

Emma and Cath will be at Waterstones Birmingham at 2pm on Saturday September 24th.

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