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Tag Archives | Sitting Ducks

News about Lisa Blower’s Sitting Ducks

Sitting Ducks by Lisa Blower is now on the top five shortlist for the Arnold Bennett Book Prize!! Earlier this year it was announced that Sitting Ducks had made it on to their longer shortlist. But now the judges final decision will be between Sitting Ducks, 2 poetry collections, a new edit of a Bennett novel […]

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One year on… Lisa Blower’s Sitting Ducks update

Sitting Ducks is shortlisted for the Arnold Bennett Literary Fellowship Award 2017 – the results of this will be announced in September 2017 It has attracted some great endorsements and reviews – I would particularly like to thank Stuart Maconie, Catherine Burgass, Kit de Waal, Writing West Midlands, National Writer’s Conference, Anna Dreda and the […]

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Danuta Kean interviews Lisa Blower, Mslexia

Danuta Kean interviews Lisa Blower for this season’s Mslexia, in their Debut Interview slot. She writes, within the two page spread: “A bright, witty woman, Blower wears her academic credentials lightly: she has a PhD and lectured in Creative Writing at Bangor University. Sitting Ducks was written out of her frustration at never hearing working-class voices, […]

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Mslexia interview with Lisa Blower

Danuta Kean, who also writes for the Guardian, interviews Lisa Blower in this season’s issue of Mslexia. (page 65) here is the contents page. I haven’t read the interview yet… so would love to hear of anyone’s reaction to it, if you have 🙂 Nadia x You can find out more about Lisa’s debut novel […]

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Lisa Blower at Birmingham Literature Festival 2016

This year’s Birmingham Literature Festival line-up looks extraordinarily exciting. Including this jewel: a panel discussion about working class literature – with Tim Lott, Charlie Hill, Niall Griffiths, Kit de Waal and Lisa Blower.   For more on Lisa Blower’s novel Sitting Ducks; including its excellent reviews  – go here Go here for the full festival programme […]

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