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Free PDF of acclaimed #MeToo poetry anthology

FREE PDF of complete book from 8th March 2019

Deborah Alma – editor of the #MeToo poetry anthology, poet, emergency poet, and poetry pharmacist and I, Nadia Kingsley – director and editor of Fair Acre Press are so happy to be able to share this award-winning and essential poetry anthology to anyone, anywhere, for free from March 8th – International Women’s Day – exactly one year on from its publication date

We have donated over £2,000 To Women’s Aid, England from book sales alone in the past year and you may well have been to one of our events at a festival or venue; heard Deborah Alma on BBC R4 Front Row, and more

The main reason for creating this book, and the reason why so many wonderful brave women have freely shared their poems, artwork, and time – is so that we can reach out – share – and, hopefully, break through the isolation and the terrible emotions and enduring consequences caused by sexual assault and harassment

This is why we are now making #MeToo – a women’s poetry anthology into a FREE PDF which will be available for anyone, anywhere to download for free onto their phone or other device

The BOOK remains for sale in all good bookshops and from Fair Acre Press website here

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