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artist Rhys Bevan Jones – on Grey Squirrels cover art

Rhys Bevan Jones and I are cousins.

His  design  in 1999  was chosen as the logo for the Bro’r Preseli Urdd National Eisteddfod in Crymych, and I have inherited, from my mother, a wonderful original cartoon by Rhys:

“The life and times of food and drink – A carrot and I”  – which was runner up in The Times’  Mal Calman Young Cartoonist of the Year Competition in 1995.

(I know these facts as Mum proudly pasted newspaper cuttings on the back of the cartoon’s frame )

I have several Welsh Language books that have his wonderful illustrations in, and a CD – and one day (slowly, slowly) I will be able to read these, as well as enjoying his images !!

This isn’t the first time we have worked together – this piece by Rhys can be found in Shropshire Butterflies: a poetic and artistic guide to the butterflies of Shropshire

treehead- Rhys

‘Butterfly Mind’ by Rhys Bevan Jones, from Shropshire Butterflies book

I asked Rhys if he would write a little bit about himself which is below. He doesn’t mention, I have noticed, that he did his art foundation course at the same time as studying medicine…


I’m a research fellow in psychiatry and an illustrator, with a special interest in the relationship between visual media and the mind/mental health issues. I trained in illustration at Kingston University and Central St Martins, London. My main project at the moment is to develop an online package for mood and wellbeing in young people. The main focus of my initial ideas for the cover image was the big tail of the squirrel, and the pencil mark-making helped with the texture and sensitivity. I like images that can be read in more than one way, and so was happy to be able to bring the typography and image of the squirrel together.


The Poetry on Grey Squirrels ebook is part of the Maligned Species project


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