Poet, Scientist, Artist, Writer, Nadia Kingsley
Nadia Kingsley is a poet and short story writer, as well as being editor of Fair Acre Press. She is part of the poet/musician/astrophysicist team behind e-x-p-a-n-d-i-n-g: the history of the Universe in 45 minutes performance. She is writing a poem a month for a herbal blog www.rootstohealth.co.uk and has a ewe named after her.
Nadia Kingsley says:
If I had my way I would spend half of every day watching and observing nature, and the other half: reading about what I have just seen, writing poetry about it, and, as I do already, I’d ALWAYS start every morning by reading some fantastic poetry. So how could I not involve myself in the Maligned Species project?! At this early stage, I am planning to write all three poems on Spiders… partly because I used to be very scared of them and so have only recently started to really look at them, and partly because I think the subject will really stretch me. And spiders are just so fascinating! I hope at the end of the project I will have written three poems that are easy to understand on first reading, but give you more and more, on further readings. I hope to include facts without sounding preachy, and maybe even some humour. And I would love it if readers like the poems – and maybe even see the species in a new light. I’m sure I will!
Maligned Species: Poetry. Science. And you.
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